Welcome to AIM AU Theater where the insane meet insanaty to avoid going crazy. Can you say redundant?
I knew you could.
First of my MST section. This is a nice cute fic, but Miroku and Inuyasha has a severe case of OOCness. And with this
info you can also guess what kind of fic this is. ^_^
Well this was a very cliché work with OOC levels to the roof and very bad dialogue. Kouga is also kind of a man-whore
here. Still all of this combined to make one of my favorite MSTs that I've done. This has two parts. To review the author
you can find this in FF.net
Please be gentle with her.
Well I give 1 originality point for having somebody else than Kagome or Sesshoumaru as the "victims"
of Inuyasha's heat. Still this is a very twisted fic and very fun to MST with Sakura in the crew. Yaoi hentai everyone! Still
its not graphic or anything way out there.